Ok- we have an official due date... and this is the result of an early ultrasound, so it should be pretty darn accurate. We're set for June 15, 2009 for our new family member to make his/her debut. Of course, Lydia was really late, so I'm hoping that's not the case this time. I'll do everything I can to make Nana's hopes for a June baby come true. :)
Also, Amy & Emily talked me into going ahead and posting the 3D stages of pregnancy widget. It's still a little freaky looking right now, with the tail and all, but at least it has eyes and little arms and legs starting to pop out, so it's starting to look a little more human, and a little less like an amphibian. :) Lydia loves to watch the baby's development... she's even been showing my books to the kids that I take care of, and she's shown a little too much to Justin, the 9 year old boy who was mildly curious, but is now mostly just grossed out by what Lydia has shown him. :)
As for how I'm doing during this pregnancy... all I can say is tired. I have never wanted to sleep so much in my life. This one is really draining me! I'm finally over (well... mostly over) my cold that I've been fighting for the last 2 weeks, but I'm still completely exhausted. My appetite is a little messed up- I don't really want much to eat, but I'm not getting sick. There are just very few things that sound good to me right now. I hope this changes soon... until then, I hope the prenatal vitamins are doing their job. So those of you on facebook, get used to seeing "tired" and "going to bed" on my status messages! lol
Monday, October 27, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
New addition...
I'm sure most of you have now heard our exciting news... we are going to have a new baby! It looks like the due date should be early June, 2009. I know it's early to be announcing this, but Lydia has been blurting it out to everyone she sees, so the cat's out of the bag thanks to our little blabber mouth. She is very excited to be a big sister, especially when she realized that she will always be the oldest. Last night we went all the way from, "when I'm 6 the baby will be born" to when I'm 19 the baby will be 13" one year at a time. That was all she needed to know... haha. Anyway, thanks to everyone for the kind words of congrats and support. More to come!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Popo at the beach
Of course there were many aspects of our beach vacation in June this year that we loved, but one that stands out in our memories was that of Popo and his iPod. Thanks to Amy, one of these moments was preserved in video, and now it is available for all to see on You Tube as well. :) Enjoy!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
10 wonderful years...

It's hard to believe that it has been 10 years since this photo was taken... Elliot and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary over the weekend. Marriage has been an interesting adventure, with lots of ups and downs, good times and bad, but I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. Happy anniversary Elliot! I love you!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Kindergarten bound!

One of the most unbelievable yet exciting things in our lives right now is that our baby girl started Kindergarten last week. Wow. Time really does fly when you're having fun! Here is a picture of Lydia at the entrance of her school on the first day. She is loving school, her teacher, and her new friends, but most of all she enjoys riding the bus to school with all of her old friends from the neighborhood.
Now that a wonderful summer has come to an end, there are lots of exciting things to share about our family, mostly Lydia, so I thought I would try keeping a blog page again. So, welcome to the new Hill family blog! Please feel free to check things out and send me a message if you think of anything I need to add!
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