Here we are now in week 38 of pregnancy... we're almost to the end! And I personally, am so grateful... I've had heartburn every day for the last 6 months, and I am so ready to eat Mexican food and pizza again! Only 11 more days, if not sooner, and we'll have our new daughter! I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in so long... but here's a little catch up. I'm huge, but I don't think I'm as big as I was with Lydia. Nadia is still retaining fluid in her kidney, so we will have to wait until she is born to follow up on that, and if it is still there, she may require surgery to reroute the drainage tube from her kidney to her bladder. I hope it clears on it's own after she is born, but if not, the doctor assures me that it is not a major surgery and everything will be fine. According to the latest ultrasound a few weeks ago, she is going to be another big girl. They estimated her weight to be about 6 pounds at that time, and considering the expected 1/2 pound per week weight gain she should be adding, that would put her close to 7/12 pounds already, and we can expect another pound (at least) before delivery. I'm curious to see if their measurements are accurate.
And as if she's not being enough of a trouble maker with her kidneys, she is also breech. Or, at least she is flopping back and forth so we can't tell what direction she is facing from one day to the next. We went through an external variation procedure last week to turn her back the right way, and later that day she decided she didn't like standing on her head, so she turned back around on her own. As of now, we are planning a C-section on June 10th, but if I go into labor on my own first, we'll check and see if she is still breech. If so, it will be a C-section, if not, we'll try the old fashioned way. :)
So here are some pics of the last ultrasound, and my big belly... enjoy!