So now for an update on our little Hill girls...
Nadia is now over 4 months old. She is indeed a blessing in our life. Never have I known such a happy baby. She smiles always, and is simply a pleasure at all times. She has earned the nickname Sugar Booger, as that always made her smile when I said it, so it stuck. She may not care for it when she gets older, but for now we are all happy to call her our little Sugar Booger.
Nadia has come a long way from that quiet, sleepy, peaceful little baby she was a few months ago. She is very active now, very close to sitting up on her own, and she can roll over from her tummy to her back. While on her back, she can roll to her side, but she doesn't like to be on her tummy, so I don't think she is ready to put herself in that position just yet. :) Nadia's first two teeth popped through a few days before her 4 month birthday. With the amount of drool she is still producing, I'm thinking it won't be long before she has a few more. We all love to hear her jabber and squeal, and as always, we are all so happy to have her in our lives.
Lydia is in first grade now. She is loving her teacher, although just like last year, she is having a little trouble focusing. She is reading well above her grade level, and I think she just gets bored. Her grades are great, but she tends to drift off into her own little world and not really pay attention to what is being asked of her. Regardless, her teacher seems to like her and is very patient with Lydia.
This has been an emotional year for Lydia. At the same time I was bringing home the new baby, our dog, Cinnamon, was having a litter of puppies of her own. Lydia desperately wanted to keep them, but we have too many dogs already, and we were able to find a home for all 7 puppies. Lydia was devastated, so in order to help ease her misery, I got her a sweet little bunny. Lydia named her Cutie Queen Tasha Hill. (Yes, that's Cutie Q.T. Hill). Although Lydia loved her little bunny, she didn't remember to give her water, and after only a few weeks, Cutie passed on. Earlier in the year, Lydia's mouse Storm had also died, so this was not taken well. However, Lydia agreed at this time that she is not good at caring for pets, so we should really not get any more for a while. And to make matters worse, our two cats have now gone missing. At least we don't know where they are, rather than knowing that they died. I don't think she will handle it well if we find out for sure if that is what happened. I'm a little concerned about coyotes and foxes myself, but I won't mention that to Lydia. We're just hoping that some nice family decided to take them in and they are enjoying a new home.
So, that is a quick update on our precious Lydibug and Sugar Booger. :) I hope to keep up with the blog better from now on, but for constant updates and photos, please check out my Facebook page.
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I LOVE THE BLOG MAKEOVER! And the Climbing Hills is soo fitting! Thanks for the update! Love you girl! Kiss the bug and booger for me! haha!
What a sweet little blog. Your posts about your girls makes me want to go post an update about the little personality things that have changed in my kids recently. They are always sweet sentimental posts that are worth remembering. Keep it up!!
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